A bit about Blake
Since first being elected to Parliament in 2008, Blake Richards has earned a reputation as a hard working, principled representative for our community.
He has consistently championed the common-sense values of the people, families and seniors of our region.
As the Conservative Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Blake advocates tirelessly for those who have served Canada.
His proven track record and dedication to hard work and integrity are vital for our community today as he works with Pierre Poilievre and the rest of the Common Sense Conservatives to Axe the Tax, Build the Homes, Fix the Budget, and Stop the Crime.
Always focused on the needs of his constituents, Blake has three times been named Canada’s Best Constituency MP and Hardest Working MP.
Prior to being elected, he served his community as a hockey coach, youth leader and volunteer firefighter, demonstrating his solid commitment to helping others.
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Your donations help Blake continue to advocate for the common sense vision of safe streets, powerful paycheques, lower prices, homes you can afford, and freedom.
Under our Leader Pierre Poilievre, Conservatives have a clear vision to restore the promise of Canada.
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For Our Community
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